Taking Care of Your Heart With Ayurveda- Measure to be Taken

We all know that the Heart is one of the crucial organs in the body. According to Dr. Mini Nair, Ayurveda specialist at Ayurhealing Hospital in Bangalore, the Heart is more than just a blood circulation source. Joy, sorrow, love and hate, it locks everything inside. When more than half of the body functions are linked to the heart, isn’t it mandatory to take care of your heart?

According to reports, about 659,000 people die from heart diseases every year. That means cardiovascular diseases are causing more deaths than accidents and other serious diseases. While other treatments like allopathic are effective to treat heart diseases in an emergency, Ayurveda is an everyday practice to keep your heart healthy. This page contains some natural suggestions to take care of your heart in your day-to-day life. Add a couple of tips to your routine for a naturally healthy lifestyle.

Ayurvedic Tips For Healthy Heart and Blood Circulation

If you follow these Ayurveda tips in your routine, they will not just improve your heart health but rejuvenate your overall body function.

Eat Right & Consciously

Arguably, Ayurveda gives importance to a healthy diet. What you eat and how you eat greatly affects your heart and overall health. Choose fresh and nutrient-rich food items and eat in a moderate way. It is better to have your three meals at a regular time each day to promote good digestion. Also, Ayurveda recommends not skipping your meals. 

Exercise Moderately & Regularly

Regularity is the key to a healthy body. According to Ayurveda, a regular workout is more effective than a strenuous workout. Walking, jogging, stretching, Yoga are excellent exercises for any age group. If you can’t maintain a proper exercise routine, just a 30-minute walk is enough for a healthy heart. It will fill your heart with fresh air and improve blood circulation.

Get Enough Sleep

A Harvard study concluded that people with irregular and insufficient sleep have an increased rate of cardiovascular problems. Ayurveda sees good sleep as a pillar of good heart health. Sleep gives time to repair your body and mind to regain balance. Getting enough sleep also reduces cholesterol levels and maintains blood pressure which further helps the heart with good health.

Ditch Your Stress

The most holistic approach to a healthy heart is to kick your sadness and frustration. Mental and emotional stress can disturb your heart health and result in cardiac arrest. The more you live happily, the closer you are to a healthy life.

Opt Herbal Therapies

Ginger, Turmeric, Tulsi, Pure honey, Chyavanprash are some traditional Ayurvedic remedies that nourish and strengthen the tissues, purify the blood and enhance blood circulation. This all supports proper heart function and reduces risk factors.

Reach Ayurhealing Hospital in Bangalore for Further Help!

If you have any heart health problems and are looking for treatment, reach Ayurhealing Hospital immediately. Here you will be treated by Dr. Mini Nair, a senior Ayurvedic doctor who has helped numerous patients in treating their serious health issues with Ayurveda. Contact now!