Sinusitis is commonly known as Pinas in Ayurveda, sinusitis is a situation in which both the sinuses are blocked and inflamed. Usually, it is blocked with mucus. Sometimes it gets blocked with fluid which leads to a sinus infection. Sinusitis is commonly observed in any age group and seen in both males and females. There are ayurvedic sinus infection treatment in Bangalore.

sinus treatment in ayurveda

Types of Sinusitis

  • Maxillary: It causes pain in the maxillary region like a toothache or a headache.
  • Frontal: It causes pain in the frontal sinus cavity, located above eyes, headache, especially seen in the forehead region.
  • Sphenoidal: It causes pain or pressure behind the eyes and back of the head.

Causes of Sinusitis

  • Sinusitis is caused due to over-accumulation of mucus.
  • Consumption of foods likes, too hot or too cold foods.
  • Dry, oily, spicy items. Food which is not easily digestible.
  • Blocking of the airway by water or fluid, which causes swelling and irritation of the tissues of the sinuses.

Symptoms of Sinusitis

The most obvious sign of sinusitis is experiencing painful pressure in the cheeks and forehead. Other symptoms include:

  • Headache.
  • Swelling of the face.
  • Yellow mucus from the nasal.
  • Blocked nose.
  • Toothache.
  • Loss of the senses of smell buds and taste buds.
  • Cough.

Ayurvedic Sinus Infection treatment

Ayurvedic treatment of sinusitis includes removing disturbed or worsen body energies with the utilization of certain Ayurvedic herbs and eating regimen and in addition nasal treatments and therapies. The Panchakarma treatment of Nasya is very compelling in managing sinusitis.

Best medicine for Sinus infection

The Ayurvedic treatment for Sinus Infection includes therapies like Nasyam, Lepanam, Thalam, Vamanam, Shirodhara are the commonly used treatments depending on the patient’s condition.


Can Ayurveda provide a permanent solution for sinusitis?

Ayurveda aims to provide long-term relief from sinusitis by addressing the root causes and providing personalized treatment plans. By promoting overall well-being and boosting immunity, Ayurveda can help prevent recurrent sinusitis and reduce dependence on medications.

What are the common Ayurvedic remedies for sinusitis?

Ayurvedic remedies for sinusitis include herbal formulations, nasal irrigation with saline water, steam inhalation, and dietary modifications. These remedies work to reduce inflammation, relieve congestion, and boost immunity.

What kind of dietary changes are recommended in Ayurveda for managing sinus issues?

Ayurvedic dietary recommendations for managing sinus issues may include avoiding cold, damp, and heavy foods and incorporating warm, dry, and light foods into the diet. Specific recommendations may vary depending on the individual’s dosha type and overall health status.

What kind of lifestyle modifications are recommended in Ayurveda for managing sinus issues?

Ayurvedic lifestyle modifications for managing sinus issues may include using a neti pot or saline nasal spray, practising pranayama (breathing exercises), getting regular exercise, reducing stress levels, and getting adequate rest and sleep. Specific recommendations may vary depending on the individual’s dosha type and overall health status.

What kind of herbal remedies are used in Ayurveda for managing sinus issues?

Ayurvedic herbal remedies for managing sinus issues may include trikatu, ginger, turmeric, and eucalyptus. These herbs are believed to help reduce inflammation and congestion in the sinuses.

What kind of therapies are used in Ayurveda for managing sinus issues?

Ayurvedic therapies for managing sinus issues may include nasya (nasal oil drops), Shirodhara (oil dripping on the forehead), and herbal steam treatments. These therapies can help open up the sinuses and promote overall health and well-being.

Can Ayurveda help prevent recurrent sinusitis?

Ayurveda aims to address the root causes of sinusitis, which may include weak immunity, poor digestion, and lifestyle factors. By promoting overall well-being and adopting a healthy lifestyle, Ayurveda can help prevent recurrent sinusitis.

How can Ayurvedic sinus treatment improve overall respiratory health?

Ayurvedic sinus treatment includes natural remedies that work to reduce inflammation, boost immunity, and improve respiratory health. By promoting overall well-being, Ayurveda can help improve the functioning of the respiratory system and prevent respiratory disorders.