A big salute to all the mothers who give birth to a baby, now that doesn’t matter if it’s a cesarean or a normal delivery. To all mothers, it’s hats off! However, these days, a question arises that is it necessary to go for a cesarean delivery rather than normal? If we consider India, the reports claim an increment of more than double when a mommy-to-be opts for cesarean delivery. By the previous year, women who chose C Section delivery was 9% and now it has skyrocketed to 18.5% in India only! Global reports say, around 21% of women across the world go through a cesarean delivery and 50% of the 6.4 million unnecessary C Sections are in countries like China and Brazil! This is truly terrifying to peer women taking themselves to a higher risk. We have data that presents shocking results.
Yes, this is all about India’s data. Now, we are having data that provides a clear picture of the world regarding C Section deliveries.
These terrific data can be changed but if there are desire and determination. An Ayurveda Treatment can work if women like you are willing to go for normal delivery of your baby. Why we claim cesarean deliveries a risky option as it can harm you as well as your baby too. Some of the risks that you may incur are as follows:
- Postpartum Hemorrhage- This kind of delivery can let you bleed during and after pregnancy.
- Reactions to anesthesia- There might be adverse reactions to anesthesia in your body.
- Blood Clots- A C Section surgery includes as well as increases the risk of blood clots in deep veins, especially in legs and pelvic regions in women. In case if the clots travel up to the lungs, then it could be life-threatening.
- Wound infection- It depends on your complications and conditions if you need an emergency C Section or not. If yes, then you are at a high risk of incision infection.
- Surgical injury- A surgical injury during a cesarean delivery can put you at risk of another surgery.
- Complications in future pregnancies- There is a high risk of complications in a future pregnancy if you have a cesarean one at the beginning. There are also chances of uterus tearing open along the scar line.
When it becomes necessary to go for C Section delivery?
There are multiple cases when a woman has to necessarily go for a C Section delivery. Some of the cases are as follows:
- When labour isn’t increasing- This is one of the most common reasons for C Section. This is such a situation when the cervix doesn’t open enough despite several hours of strong contractions.
- When the baby is in distress- When your baby’s heartbeat changes due to any reason, then C Section is the best option for your baby.
- When the baby is in abnormal position- In case when your baby is in a breech or transverse position, then C Section is the best option.
- When you are carrying multiples- In case if you are carrying twins in your womb and one is leading from another in abnormal positions, then cesarean delivery is best.
- Prolapsed Umbilical Cord- There are recommendations by the doctors for C Section when a loop of umbilical cord slips through your cervix ahead of your baby.
- When you have had a previous C Section- It is advised by the doctors for a woman to go ahead for C Section in case she had the same previously.
These are some of the complications when it becomes necessary for an operational mode of delivering a baby. Now, as you know that there are numerous risks attached to a cesarean delivery then why not opt for normal delivery. It becomes indispensable to let women know about the benefits of a normal delivery if we desire a change in the current scenario of the rate of women opting for cesarean delivery.
Henceforth, here are some of the benefits for a mother who opt for normal delivery:
- Faster recovery time- In a normal delivery, women tend to recover quickly as compared to the C Section. After a few of delivering a baby, women can stand on their feet and can walk around without any support. During giving birth to the child, hormones like, endorphins are released from the body of women that helps in relieving pain and helps in dealing with the same. However, in C Section, it takes around 6-8 weeks to recover.
- Better connectivity to the entire procedures- Women who opt for normal delivery are more connected to the entire procedure of childbirth as they are completely conscious and are in their senses.
- Hospital stay is short- As compared to the C Section, a normal delivery offers a short stay at the hospital. If a woman chooses for normal delivery, she can be discharged from the hospital within just a few days.
- Minimum pain- As there are no incisions or cuts in the body, a normal delivery has the least pain.
- No infections or complications- There is hardly any chance for infections and complications in a normal delivery. Henceforth it is the safest mode of delivering a baby.
- No risk of anesthesia- A normal delivery doesn’t the involvement of anesthesia and therefore, there is no risk of anesthesia in it.
- Immediate postpartum care- Women who opt for a normal delivery can bounce back almost immediately. Quicker postpartum care helps women to regain their body shape and strength, reduce back pain and offer better production of milk as well.
- Doesn’t impact future pregnancies- One of the best benefits of normal delivery is that it doesn’t impact future pregnancies.
Ayurveda Treatment can help women opt for a normal delivery rather than a C Section. Here are some Ayurvedic Pregnancy strategies, that you should follow for the normal delivery of your baby.
- Do favour to your cravings- During pregnancy, you should intake whatever your cravings ask for. Whatever, you like and wish to eat, you should have it on your plate. However, you should avoid some food like, hot and spicy food, uncooked leafy veggies, improperly cooked lentils and beans and foods that contain artificial colours and preservatives. During motherhood, you should enjoy especially these tastes that include sweet, sour and salty. Try to eat ‘sattvik’ foods as much as possible.
- Balance Vata- It is indispensable to balance the Vata or the energy of the nervous system. Henceforth, eat fresh, plant-based, whole or sprouted grains and non-processed foods.
- Drink right milk- Include milk in your list of food items to intake. Milk from grass-fed cows is the best during these times.
- Massage with Ayurvedic Herbal Oils- It is important to massage yourself with oils and especially with Ayurvedic Herbal Oils. It will help to calm down the sensory nerves under your skin.
- Do gentle exercises daily- Take proper care of yourself and make sure you do gentle exercises on a daily basis for about 40 minutes in a day. You should begin it with 10 minutes.
These are some of the Ayurveda Treatment that you can opt to avoid a C Section delivery of your baby.
However, you can visit our hospital, AyurHealing Hospital, for the treatments of various health issues like obesity, infertility, cervical spondylosis treatment, panchakarma detoxification, diabetes, stroke, stress management, cholesterol management, joint pain disorders, sinus treatment, psoriasis, neurodegenerative disease. Highly professional and talented doctors including Dr. Mini Nair treat their patients with high efficiency.