The gallbladder is a small abdominal organ present in your body. Gallstone formation is a common disease of the biliary tract. The process of creation of gallstone is nothing but called as cholelithiasis. People with obesity, diabetes, genetic predisposition, cholesterol and many more are also suffering from gallstones. Gallstones usually occur due to the inflammation of the wall of the gall bladder. Ayurveda provides effective Ayurvedic Treatment For Gall Stones which depends on the root-cause diagnosis. These stones may contain bile containing bilirubin as well as cholesterol. Some gallstones often require no treatment. But some people with gallstones may cause some symptoms like intense abdominal aches, nausea, etc. which might require surgical management.
The bile present in our body that causes too much cholesterol. Hence, your bile contains chemicals to dissolve the amount of cholesterol excreted by your liver. But your liver eliminates more cholesterol as compared to the bile. The excessive secretion of cholesterol may form into crystals and then converted into stones. Bile also contains a heavy amount of bilirubin. Bilirubin is nothing but a chemical that produces when your body breaks down red blood cells. Some conditions such as; biliary tract infections,blood disorders, and liver cirrhosis, etc. may cause your liver to make too much bilirubin. The excess amount of bilirubin formation ultimately leads to gallstone formation. If your gallbladder doesn’t empty completely, then bile becomes very much concentrated.
It results in gallstones formation. There are many other reasons for the cause of Gallstone;
By taking hormone trade treatment, and anti-conception medication pills for pregnancy,or menopause side effects.
Being underweight or overweight may also cause a malfunction that leads to the formation of the stone.
Diabetic patients are having a high amount of triglycerides that is a blood fat results in gallstones.
Malfunctioning of Gallbladder.
The symptoms seen in a person who is suffering from gallbladder stone, are listed below;
Delicacy and Swelling
High fever
Acid reflux and flatulence
Retching and sickness
Indigestion and stomach torment
Rapid pulse
Low hunger
Loose solid discharges
Rashes on the skin
Jaundice (the skin and eyes gets yellowish in color)
Foggy Memory
Ayurvedic Treatment of Gallstone:
Ayurveda is a holistic system of treatment. The Ayurvedic treatment of Gallstones is referred to as Pitta Ashamri. According to the Ayurveda, all kind of doshas such as pitta, Kapha, and Vata plays a major role in the formation of Gallstones. Pitta includes alcohol, hot, spicy food, etc.Excessive secretion of pitta creates the formation of the stone. Kapha increases by heavy, fatty foods when mixes with Pitta and produces a highly sticky mixture. After that Vata dries this molds and mixes it into the shape of a stone. Gall Stone Treatment In Ayurveda inscribes the root-cause with customized medicines along with lifestyle recommendations.
Ayurvedic Gallstones Treatment With Ayurveda consists of the use of highly effective stone dissolving (Lithotrophic) herbal formulae along with the herbs for cleansing the liver and restore its functionalities. The treatment doesn’t require any type of surgery to expel the stones naturally.
Ayurhealing Ayurveda & Siddha Hospital provide platform for the Gallbladder Removal Treatment In Bangalore. Here, the patients can get medical advice from Dr.Mini Nair,who is the founder & Chief Physician.
There are many numbers of Ayurveda Hospital present in all over India for the treatment of Gallstone. Here, you can also get the treatments for diabetes, infertility, stroke, panchakarma detoxification, joint disorders, cervical spondylosis, etc.
Among all these hospitals, AyurHealing is the Best Ayurvedic Hospital For Gallbladder Treatment. AyurHealing is built on the trust of millions of patients, who had treated their chronic diseases. It is located in Bangalore.
The chief physician as well as the founder of AyurHealing Ayurveda and Siddha Hospital is Dr. Mini Nair. With the help of her decades of long clinical practices, she had treated the chronic diseases of many people. The uniqueness of this hospital is to combine the strength of Indian Vedix Science i.e. Ayurveda and Siddha which is used to bring a patient to a holistic state of existence rather than being free from diseases.
Dr. Mini Nair has done her graduation from the Government College Of Ayurveda, Bangalore.She has been working in the field of Ayurveda for the last 25 years. After completed graduation,she has done her Post Graduate Diploma In Siddha Medicine (DSM), and Post Graduate Diploma On Emergency Medicine (BAMS).