Before opting for treatment for any disease, it is important to understand the disease. Ayurveda understands the disease better than any other treatment and also recommend the best solution. Asthma is a chronic lung disorder that is characterized by narrowing of the airways. Wheezing prolonged expiration and fast heartbeat are the common symptoms of asthma. With almost 300 million patient and 2.5 lakh people die every year worldwide, it is one of the most prevalent and non-communicable diseases. Children are also not deprived of this disease.
The main cause of this disease is pollution. The level of pollution has been increasing day by day all around the world. Sources of fresh inhale have been diminishing due to the increasing population and modernity. Tree planting is becoming less and forests have been destroyed just to give residence to the increasing population. Above this, we inhaling bad things that we do not need to discuss here. Asthma is no more left less risky as before. It comes in attacks and leaves the body-drained and drenched, left with no power of doing something, moreover, weak and febrile. Although, no more worries because the disease can be managed, controlled and cured by the natural way like Ayurveda. Home remedies like diet regulation, prevention, and precautions, proper exercise are some of the natural treatments that play a vital role in the treatment of Asthma.
How Ayurveda Cure Asthma?
1. Ginger and garlic clove
Ginger is one of the most effective herbs when it comes to deal with inflammation. Take 2-3
crushed garlic cloves and mixed it with a half cup of ginger cup of tea could be an effective remedy to release the Kapha accumulation in airways.
2. Licorice and Ginger
Licorice (also known as mulethi in Hindi) is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties. Studies suggested that drinking tea made up of half a teaspoon of licorice and half teaspoon of ginger helps in managing asthma and its symptoms.
3. Cinnamon and Honey
In one cup of boiled water, mix 1 tbsp of cinnamon and 1/4th tbsp of trikatu. Let it soak for 10 minutes and add 1 tbsp of honey before drinking. Take this mixture twice a day for maximum results.
4. Ginger and Turmeric powder
Ginger and turmeric when mixed together can do wonders. Just take a glass of milk boiled with a tbsp of ginger and add ½ tbsp of turmeric powder to it. This Ayurvedic remedy reduces the frequency of asthma attacks if taken twice a day.
5. Bay leaf
1 teaspoon of honey mixed with a half teaspoon of the bay and 1/4th teaspoon of pippali taken 2-3 times in a day may help to prevent chronic symptoms of Asthama.
Other diet and lifestyle advice for Asthma patients
One should consume old pulses like wheat, barley, mung beans, arhar, rice, etc (Stored
for at least more than one year is called old).
Heavy foods like milk products such as cheese, curd, banana, creams should be avoided.
Oily, greasy and fried foods that take time and difficult to digest should be avoided.
Avoid exercise that required a lot of physical effort. However, Yoga and Pranayama can be helpful.
Strive to avoid cold beverages and foods like cold drinks, ice-creams, etc.
Ayurveda Hospital, Ayurhealing is prominent for treating Asthma as it is equipped with esteemed doctors. Asthma has no permanent treatment in allopathy and others but Dr. Mini Nair,one of the best Ayurveda doctor in Bangalore, suggests permanent and successful treatment for Asthma. Others like steroidal pumps and inhalers can give temporary relief and also have side effects. But none of them matches the results that can Ayurveda gives. Ayurhealing Ayurveda Hospital with the help of Dr. Mini Nair gets the best combination of herbs that effectively cure Asthma naturally.